
Transfer money from NZ to Australia

When making an international transfer, a good currency exchange rate is important. The better the exchange rate, the more money the recipient will receive. Money Compare can help you shop around and compare services to find a better deal. If you plan ahead and do your research, transferring money can be very affordable. Use Money Compare to compare the different money transfer deals, find the deal that works best for you and click ‘visit site’. Register with the service of your choice, complete the transaction online and sit back while the funds are deposited into your destination account. 
Compare money transfer options from New Zealand to Australia. Money Compare’s currency transfer partners offer competitive rates with a fast, safe and secure money transfer service. Our top currency transfer partners are OFX, TransferWise, OrbitRemit and CurrencyFair.   
Compare and save on currency transfers with Money Compare!


Compare money transfer services to Australia with Money Compare

Best Money Transfer Options

Compare international money transfer to Australia and remittance exchange rates with Money Compare to find the best deal in New Zealand! Money Compare makes sending money abroad simple. You can transfer funds to Australia in a safe and affordable way with our top partners.

AUD to NZD Exchange Rates Comparison

Comparing rates on Money Compare will help ensure you get the best conversion rates on your money transfers. Cheap NZD to AUD exchange rates are easy to find with our proven money exchange partners - No1 Currency and Travelex

A smart thing to do before transferring money to Australia

Money Compare show you the best deals on currency exchange in your city. Wherever you live in New Zealand we have you covered with our money exchange partners. Order desired amount of AUD online and pick it up in-store or at the airport before the flight with Travelex.