
How to transfer funds from NZ to Asia

Learn how to transfer money from New Zealand to Asia with Money Compare. We make it easy to find great currency conversion deals to transfer money from New Zealand (NZD) and Asia (CNY). Whether you need to send money back home to Asia or make an overseas payment for personal or business reasons (stock orders, or paying an employee based overseas) you need to get the best deal on your money transfers.
When choosing who to use to transfer money, competitive exchange rates and fees are crucial. Taking the time to compare currency exchange rates and money transfer offers on the Money Compare website. Find great offers from the popular money transfer providers - OFX, TransferWise, OrbitRemit and CurrencyFair.  
Get the best currency transfer deal with Money Compare!


Compare money transfer deals to Asia with Money Compare

Best Currency Transfer NZ

Find the best money transfer options in NZ with Money Compare.  Money Compare aims to help you compare different ways to send money to Asia. You can transfer funds to Asia in a safe and affordable way with our top partners - OFX, TransferWise, OrbitRemit and CurrencyFair


Conversion Rates Comparison

It is easy to send funds from New Zealand to Asia with Money Compare. Compare exchange rates with us for your foreign currency requirements. Our partners No1 Currency and Travelex offer you the best conversion rates and great customer support.


A smart thing to do before sending money

Money Compare can help you find a great deal on CNY exchange near you. Whether you are in Wellington, Christchurch, Tauranga, Mt Maunganui, Auckland, Dunedin or Queenstown we have you covered with our currency exchange partners. Even better, use No1 Currency’s home delivery service and you won’t even need to leave the house!