
Cheap Car Loans NZ - Compare Car Finance Options

Compare Car Finance Options

Compare Car Finance Options

Car finance is all too often been handled by the company selling you the car… don’t you find that a bit strange?  We do, and at Money Compare increasing financial understanding and literacy is one of the things we strive to do.


Simplify Car Finance

There are a number of different ways to go about buying a car.  The best way, although often unrealistic, is to simply save up for the car and buy it without borrowing. Unfortunately the reality of life means that isn’t always possible and as many people rely on the vehicle to get to work, do the school run etc then it is often not a possibility to wait and save as you need a vehicle now.

That is where a Car Loan or Car Finance comes in.

There are really two core ways of borrowing the money for a car, either a secured or an unsecured loan.  A secured loan uses the car as protection on payment, put simply, stop paying the loan and they will take your car.  An unsecured personal loan has no security.  They trust you to pay the instalments on time and as agreed.  If you forfeit, miss or stop making payments they chase you for the money in other ways or with a court judgement and Baycorp.  Both ways of borrowing money are fine and you need to stick to your part of the contract… i.e. pay back the loan.  Read more about secured and unsecured loans here.

When it comes to Car Finance that has been purchased from car dealers or car yards, recent studies show that 63% of car buyers are paying TOO MUCH.  This is recent research gathered by Simplify Car Loans who are now one of the biggest car finance lenders in the country.

Simplify Car Finance

At Simplify they sing from our hymn sheet and do the hard work for you when it comes to finding car finance.  Simplify Car Loans will compare loan rate and providers to get you a great finance rate on your car finance.  Their fantastic technology means that you can have an approximate car finance quote in less than two minutes and car finance approved in under one hour.  Simplify manage the entire process, meaning no negotiations are required to get you your new car.  It’s absolutely painless and they manage everything saving you real money.  


Compare Car Finance Rates

So if you are thinking of buying a car give Simplify a whirl.  They can also help you reduce payments on your current car finance so check them out and se if you can reduce your borrowing costs.