How to budget for university in 2020Juggling your money at university can be a learning curve – and with tests, assignments, heavy workload and......
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News Media Press releases11/02/2020
How to budget for university in 2020Juggling your money at university can be a learning curve – and with tests, assignments, heavy workload and......
New Zealand Property Update January 2020National real estate trends across New Zealand in January 2020 indicate that….
Property market update4/02/2020
Kiwis adopt Do-It-Yourself (DIY) trend for international holidaysThe latest research from online market research company, Opinion Compare, revealed some interesting trends in the way Kiwis...
Capital requirements: mortgage rate hike likely to be three times estimateNZ Mortgage Rates and Borrowing rates are currently at historic lows, but the latest proposal from the Reserve...
First-home buyers pay up to $15,000 extraResearch has revealed that buyers with small deposits are paying up to $15,000 extra over the first years...